The South Caldwell Jazz Bands are divided up through our concert ensemble class periods. Jazz Band 1 is made up of Wind Ensemble players, Jazz Band 2 is made up of Symphonic Band players, and Jazz Band 3 is made up Concert Band Players. The idea behind this concept, is that Jazz Bands 3 and 2, provide younger players the opportunity to begin playing jazz styles, and develop an understanding of the musical vocabulary and language that go along with the Jazz genre.
Members of Jazz Band 1 have developed a sense of jazz style and inflection and work to begin the process of making the performance more authentic. The group meets through the winter and spring months to prepare event performances and the annual "Evening of Jazz" concert in May.
Jazz Band 2, made up of Symphonic Band personnel, works throughout the winter and spring on a variety of jazz styles and literature The group performs at the annual "Evening of Jazz" concert in May.
For many Jazz Band 3 members, this will be there first experience with jazz. The ensemble intent is to expose players to an introductory level of jazz literature and style, while working towards the end of year performance at "An Evening of Jazz".
Valentines Swing Dance
Friday before Valentines - each year!
Featuring, all 3 SCHS Jazz Bands!